Hosting effective and powerful performance reviews
Oct 26 2021
Welcome. Let's help you find your groove in effective and powerful performance reviews (that actually drive results).
We developed a performance review tool to help leaders have powerful reviews with their team in a timely manner that is focused on human development.
I know most of us have done them over time, but are they are effective and do they empower your team member to be the best they can be.
The sticking point here, is asking yourself are you getting the results you want out of these meetings?
The most important part in the art of preparing for our performance reviews is making it meaningful and authentic. This will help ensure we get the best out of our team, remembering they want to be great at what they do.
In over 30-years of leadership across different countries and industries, I can honestly say that I’ve never heard of anyone who wanted to do a bad job at work. However, sometimes things happen at work that causes the individual to be caught amid a shit sandwich.
We are all busy, but I challenge you to slow down and think about what you would like to achieve out of your team.
I have spoken with many leaders over my time as a leader and a coach, and when I dig deep with them, they sometimes don’t really know what they are trying to achieve.
A lot of the time they just need to get it done and tick a box.
I think the fear with most leaders is, if their reports ask them the tough questions, they may not have the answers, or the ability to fix the issues at hand.
So, how do we help fix this all-too-common issue leaders face? Let break it down a little.
Let’s transform performance reviews from being a chore to being something that energises us!
Firstly, I would like you to think about how your approach to the review and what would you like to achieve as a result. (Yes, what you want to achieve, not the business).
For the moment I would like you to shed the thoughts of all the questions you must ask according to the company. Don’t get me wrong they have their place as you see further down, but not right now, I want you to think about you, and what is your end goal in all of this.
So, let’s get started. There are three very simple steps:
1. Book a time (and don’t cancel)
2. Prepare
3. Follow up
Sounds easy right? Let’s start with the first point.
Book a time (and don’t cancel)
This is super important, but ensuring you are on time (and you keep the appointment) is critical.
Please ensure you consider the best time for you both and stick to it. Just like a client appointment this is so important.
Other appointments should not go in place of your performance reviews when they are locked in.
Your team member has internalised and contemplated what they want to say, sharing insights with their loved ones and they have become heightened about the ‘what if, and I want….’.
And, if you cancel, they will be more anxious and stressed as the process has now extended. They find it hard to function effectively as this has now been pushed out and they don’t feel valued.
I know how competing priorities pop up and your boss may even instruct you to cancel, and the path of least resistance is to cancel and reschedule. Heck, I have even done it!
But, when I realised how if really affected my team, I stopped rescheduling or cancelling. Remember the old saying treat your team like champions and they will deliver exceptional results, it is true.
Your team is the most important asset you have. They are your human capital.
Prepare, prepare, prepare and then prepare some more
Failing to prepare is preparing to fail, and no one wants to fail.
I want you to go make a coffee or a tea, kick back and just think about your approach and what you want to achieve, remember everyone is different and they will respond differently.
Below is a couple of helpful hints, try to break it down into four chunks.
1. Know your numbers (KPIs) and where they are sitting. This only forms a small part of the review.
2. How are they performing as an individual and in their group/team? Think of the good, the bad, and the ugly, but remember to be respectful – this will form part of your follow up in point 4.
3. Now let’s get personal, we want to know how they are, what are their dreams, what does the perfect role look like to them...? Please be kind and helpful. Help them reach for the stars. Be authentic and listen.
4. Ask your team what can you do to lead them better. Remember feedback can be harder to give than get! So deep breath, and don’t respond straight away... hear what they are saying. Your team may not say anything initially, but when they do that is the true sign of effective leadership, be brave and take it where is comes from, they want you to be the best leader possible.
I would like you to finish on point 4, that is what they will truly resonate with, and show you care.
Go on, go for it, what have you got to lose?
I’ve saved the best for last, follow up!
I cannot tell you the power this one has.
This is where you show how much your team means to you. In point two we talked about performance, the good, bad, and the ugly. This is the section you have agreed on a couple of points that you both would like to improve or develop, and you track the progress and if there are any follow ups required from the other points.
The most powerful part of the follow up is make it achievable and doable.
Remember don’t set your team up to fail, break it down into small achievable wins and watch them shine.
I hope this resource has value for you, and your team in the upcoming round of performance reviews.
Remember this is a guide to help you along the way.
If you stumble the first time, that is totally ok, it will get easier over time.
The Umana Performance Reviews is the answer for any business or leadership team who want more, let us give you valuable time back. Head over to our tools section to find out more.
If you’re ready to level up to create your own powerful performance reviews with your team, and you’d like someone to help along the way, Umana is here for you. Reach out today!